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Part 3 Historic Cemetery Tour: Grills Preserve: Please arrive at 4:30 PM to park and assemble. Hike to cemetery will start by 4:45 PM.

There are nearly 100 historic burial grounds in Westerly, five of which are on Westerly Land Trust properties. In this series, we will be exploring three of these historic cemeteries. Join WLT and Larry Hunter, local commissioner of the Rhode Island Historic Cemetery Commission and member of Rediscovering History, Inc. for our third stop on the tour: Grills Preserve.

Larry will walk us through “Cemetery 101” (as he calls it), which explains orientation and types of headstones, the use of footstones and field stones, and the types of materials. We will also discuss the dos and don’ts of cemeteries, cleaning, maintenance, and restoration of stones. This historic cemetery is nestled in the woods. We will take a short hike on the trails that will lead us out to our last historic tour. Hike is 1 mile in and 1 mile out.

Tours are recommended for adults. Please prepare for being out in the grass and woods, and bring bug repellant and water. Sign up for one or all three tours as each burial ground offers its own unique characteristics. Each tour is FREE for WLT members and $10 for NON-members, which Larry Hunter has generously pledged to donate to WLT.

Not a WLT member yet, but would like to be? CLICK HERE. Joining us with a family member? Sign up for our family membership and get not only a discount on attending all three tours but also all our other monthly adventures!


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