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Trails & Treasure: Calling all explorers! Get ready to hit the trails and discover hidden treasure amongst the forest and the art of map making.

  • Registration closes the Friday before program at 9AM
  • Location: Barlow Nature Preserve
  • This program is for Dunn’s Corners Elementary School students
  • NO COSTĀ thanks to generous community support
  • Transportation: All students are bussed to program after school. Students can be picked up by a guardian or take the bus home after program
  • Spots are limited, reserve yours today and get ready for an adventure

If you are interested in a WLT program outside of what is being offered HERE please contact Lauren at [email protected]Ā 

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Student's Name
Students will only be released to caregivers listed here.
Bus Transportation Home
List any medical and/or allergies. If participant has a known medical condition/allergies and is prescribed a medication (i.e. EpiPen, inhaler) the medication and/or 2 EpiPens MUST be brought to program and be on their person.
Does your child have an IEP?
In consideration of receiving permission to participate in (educational) (volunteer) (recreational) opportunities of the Westerly Land Trust (WLT), I (legal guardian if a minor):
1. Understand and acknowledge that I am proceeding at my own risk. I understand that WLT makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, regarding the condition or safety of the property itself or the activity to be done.
2. Agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify WLT (including its agents, employees and service volunteers) from any loss, liability or expense with respect to bodily injury (including death) or property damage which might result from or arise of my participation in these activities.
WLT and our partners may use photos/recordings to promote future programs. I (legal guardian if minor) grant WLT permission to use any and all photographs and/or recordings taken at this event for publicity and promotion.
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