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Join Keith Cowley, Ethical Forager, for a workshop on how nature works to reset our bodies and minds back to efficiency.

Join Keith Cowley, Naturalist, Ethical Forager and Wildlife Conservationist for a workshop on how Nature works to reset our bodies and minds back to efficiency. Learn language, concepts and moving meditation techniques that Cowley uses to deepen his connection in Nature and get closer to wildlife.

  • This event is located at Barlow Nature Preserve.
  • Parking is available in the main parking lot, with overflow parking in the field behind the outbuildings to the east (up the farm road).
  • Registration is required.

Discussion is open to WLT members. Our members donate annually. Not a member and would like to be? Become a member today and click HERE.

To learn more about Keith Cowley, check him out on Instagram @ethicalforager , or stop by and visit him at the Living Sharks Museum in downtown Westerly.

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