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Avondale Farm Preserve is where it all began for the Westerly Land Trust — it is not only our first conserved property, but a special place for wildlife and community. Once known as Lotteryville, one of the earliest European settlements in Westerly, Avondale is a place where coastal wildflower meadows, hayfields, shrublands and salt marsh meet the open mouth of Little Narragansett Bay. Its trails, fields and shores provide a home for agriculture, native biodiversity, community and inspiration.

Plant management in coastal grasslands like Avondale is essential, as these “edge” habitats are prime locations for invasive plants to take over and outcompete native vegetation. WLT uses primarily mechanical efforts, such as mowing, lopping and pulling, to keep invasive plants like porcelain berry and honeysuckle under control. Timing of these management efforts with the cycles of nature is key to their success.

Native wildlfowers, like this narrow-leaved mountain mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium), are often smothered and starved of sunlight by invasive plants.

Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipeduculata), a member of the grape family native to northern China and Japan, was introduced to the United States in the 1870s. Its seeds are readily disbursed by mammals and birds.

So, on Sunday, August 4th from 8am to 10am, the WLT stewardship team needs your help! Join WLT’s Land Stewardship Manager in the meadows of Avondale Farm Preserve (Quail Run entrance) as we work to pull and control invasive plants before they go to seed. We will manually pull or lop invasive plants, remove the vegetation and romp through the blooming meadows.

Part work day, part plant ID walk, this Weekend Volunteer Stewardship Day will hopefully leave you feeling both accomplished and better informed!

If you are interested in available, we’d love your help! To sign-up please fill out the form below.

For more information, please email Marc at [email protected].

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In consideration of receiving permission to participate in (educational) (volunteer) (recreational) opportunities of the Westerly Land Trust (WLT), I (legal guardian if a minor):
1. Understand and acknowledge that I am proceeding at my own risk. I understand that WLT makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, regarding the condition or safety of the property itself or the activity to be done.
2. Agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify WLT (including its agents, employees and service volunteers) from any loss, liability or expense with respect to bodily injury (including death) or property damage which might result from or arise of my participation in these activities.
WLT and our partners may use photos/recordings to promote future programs. I (legal guardian if minor) grant WLT permission to use any and all photographs and/or recordings taken at this event for publicity and promotion.
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